Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) is effort to steal a domain name from its proper owner through legal complaint to WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organization; or other official body) that a domain was registered and used in bad faith, and also infringes a trademark.

In some jurisdictions the RDNH finding can be used to bring charges. Legal terms & definitions differ around the world, but complainants guilty of RDNH might later be counter-charged with:
  • Attempted Theft
  • Attempted Grand Larceny
  • Robbery by Deceit
  • Attempted Robbery
  • Fraud
Two great websites highlight RDNH transgressions, and ensure improper complainants & their lawyers are remembered as attempted thieves:



There are no automatic WIPO penalties, so RDNH findings need support & publicity.

It's not uncommon that trademark holders misunderstand their rights. Trademarks are registered for a specific class of goods, within a specified geographic region, for a specific period.

Others in the same jurisdiction may hold similar valid trademarks for different goods and services.

Other businesses can use a word or phrase differently, for a different product, with no registration, and not infringe trademark.

Lawyers may belittle these key points in hope of generating business, but poor understanding threatens the reputation & livelihood of everyone involved in a complaint, and can soil corporate reputation. Domain name UDRP (Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy) cases are read carefully by a great many concerned investors & officials around the world. Too many cases include misrepresentation or deception by the complainant, or abuse of the process (as with the P&G swash.com case). Beware.