.com Power

Frank Schilling of Uniregistry and DomainNameSales.com has just released a video (watch below) describing a new landrush in top level domains (TLDs). Instead of .com and the present bunch of gTLDs (now 22 global TLDs such as .com .net .org .mobi .biz .edu .xxx .tel etc.), and also the ccTLDs (country-code TLDs such as .jp .uk .se .de etc.), there will be thousands more: .whatever

Frank Schilling claims soon we'll not look for usedcar.com but look instead for used.car


But there'll be a big gap in time when people are dissatisfied with the results at used.car or cheap.hotel - or as now, there's nothing at all there. The public will fall back to web searching and search engine recommendations. And it's likely the power of .com will remain extremely valuable...
