.com Power

Frank Schilling of Uniregistry and DomainNameSales.com has just released a video (watch below) describing a new landrush in top level domains (TLDs). Instead of .com and the present bunch of gTLDs (now 22 global TLDs such as .com .net .org .mobi .biz .edu .xxx .tel etc.), and also the ccTLDs (country-code TLDs such as .jp .uk .se .de etc.), there will be thousands more: .whatever

Frank Schilling claims soon we'll not look for usedcar.com but look instead for used.car


But there'll be a big gap in time when people are dissatisfied with the results at used.car or cheap.hotel - or as now, there's nothing at all there. The public will fall back to web searching and search engine recommendations. And it's likely the power of .com will remain extremely valuable...



Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) is effort to steal a domain name from its proper owner through legal complaint to WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organization; or other official body) that a domain was registered and used in bad faith, and also infringes a trademark.

In some jurisdictions the RDNH finding can be used to bring charges. Legal terms & definitions differ around the world, but complainants guilty of RDNH might later be counter-charged with:
  • Attempted Theft
  • Attempted Grand Larceny
  • Robbery by Deceit
  • Attempted Robbery
  • Fraud
Two great websites highlight RDNH transgressions, and ensure improper complainants & their lawyers are remembered as attempted thieves:



There are no automatic WIPO penalties, so RDNH findings need support & publicity.

It's not uncommon that trademark holders misunderstand their rights. Trademarks are registered for a specific class of goods, within a specified geographic region, for a specific period.

Others in the same jurisdiction may hold similar valid trademarks for different goods and services.

Other businesses can use a word or phrase differently, for a different product, with no registration, and not infringe trademark.

Lawyers may belittle these key points in hope of generating business, but poor understanding threatens the reputation & livelihood of everyone involved in a complaint, and can soil corporate reputation. Domain name UDRP (Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy) cases are read carefully by a great many concerned investors & officials around the world. Too many cases include misrepresentation or deception by the complainant, or abuse of the process (as with the P&G swash.com case). Beware.