Office Space - The Chance to BUY

For startup firms during the past 100 years, most prime office space has only been available for rent - if at all. Companies pay $2000 to $20,000 or more each month to position themselves near the center of things, knowing the price could and usually will rise when the lease expires. 

Circumstances have changed, with online businesses booming.   

Now you can buy a central location, often for under $100,000. 

The great .com domain name becomes your brand & your office. Your domain is part of each email. Prices near $100,000 may seem high, but your domain is your launchpad to success, with instantaneous global reach -- and ultimately cheap compared to the office space of yesteryear. Can a unique .com domain help you build trust, franchise or expand?  Will you regret when a hot firm grabs the premium space ...maybe even receives email meant for you?  BUY the goddamn thing!

Read the words & experiences of Rick Schwartz:

"Domains are income-producing and multi-faceted. They serve as your:

World Headquarters

Your Brand

Your Location

Your Front Door

Your Cash Register

Your Information Portal

Your #1 Sales Tool

Domains provide Unlimited Expansion. Great and memorable dotcom Domains are the doorway to all future business dreams. If you have a dream and a true burning desire, it MUST start with a High-Profile domain name" ... 

Think deeply about this and do not delay. The facts are not secret.