Best Chance Now

I clearly remember an important investment discussion just after Christmas in 1993. My friend Rick was a doctoral student in Seattle, where over the previous two years he'd watched coffee & café culture blooming widely. He talked about coffee chain Starbucks, and how it had been a great investment opportunity he'd missed - and it had happened just in front of his eyes...

Coffeeshop growth in Seattle had a city block getting one shop on the corner, but soon there was a coffeeshop on each corner, and then a pushcart from the middle of the block selling coffee.

We compared possibilities and commiserated that we could have or should have multiplied our money. Starbucks corporate shares at that time were up nearly two-and-a-half times in 18-months. (Considering subsequent splits, the 1993-06-26 IPO calculates as $0.66 per share; at our discussion it was $1.40). But subsequent events showed the trend was still undeveloped, and the stock was cheap.

We were dumber than we thought.

We never should have then imagined opportunity was over. In retrospect it's clear the world was still largely untapped for coffee culture expansion, and there were no real signs of slowdown. We'd have been "early adopters" even in 1994. And it's similar today for internet domain name investment. Demand will hugely increase for the best brandable .com domain names. In 15 years, the opportunities available today will seem like diamonds on the street, waiting to be picked up, and now most people pass-by oblivious.

Populations are increasing, millions more people come online every week, new businesses are being launched, and internet usage shows no trend to shrinking -- the web is surely being used more and more.Very few people yet are active domain name developers, though the potential for inspired & creative usage of such intellectual property (IP) is amazing and still evolving, with huge profit potential.

Sure, some people already made money, and others (including me) are now positioned with good items for sale and ready to profit (you can buy or or or while still available for $15,000 each).

But there are millions of opportunities to be developed at little cost.

MSN Money calculated a $1000 investment at Starbucks IPO being worth $6.4 million (2012-10-30 link). When they wrote that, share price was $45.87; today, six months later, it's $60 (2013-04-29; SBUX historical prices link) assuming their math was correct, your $1000 would now be $8.4 million.

Buy a piece of the internet; buy domains todayBest Chance Now.