mRNA Excitement !

mRNA names hold immense potential for a breakthrough firm in the biomedical field, with a pathway to Big Pharma. mRNA delivery systems are sudden key technology which won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

The combination of genetic information and cutting-edge mRNA research is revolutionizing the medical & pharmaceutical worlds. mRNA research is highly attractive to a progressive firm hoping to grab a portion of quickly-developing mRNA funding & subsidies, and markets worth billions. 

mRNA vaccine platforms offer huge future potential with cancer, antimicrobial resistance & phage biology, and a host of other illnesses & diseases including influenza - the common cold. Startups in the biotech, pharmaceutical, or genetic research sectors can establish a strong online presence effortlessly with any of the following domain names:




Office Space - The Chance to BUY

For startup firms during the past 100 years, most prime office space has only been available for rent - if at all. Companies pay $2000 to $20,000 or more each month to position themselves near the center of things, knowing the price could and usually will rise when the lease expires. 

Circumstances have changed, with online businesses booming.   

Now you can buy a central location, often for under $100,000. 

The great .com domain name becomes your brand & your office. Your domain is part of each email. Prices near $100,000 may seem high, but your domain is your launchpad to success, with instantaneous global reach -- and ultimately cheap compared to the office space of yesteryear. Can a unique .com domain help you build trust, franchise or expand?  Will you regret when a hot firm grabs the premium space ...maybe even receives email meant for you?  BUY the goddamn thing!

Read the words & experiences of Rick Schwartz:

"Domains are income-producing and multi-faceted. They serve as your:

World Headquarters

Your Brand

Your Location

Your Front Door

Your Cash Register

Your Information Portal

Your #1 Sales Tool

Domains provide Unlimited Expansion. Great and memorable dotcom Domains are the doorway to all future business dreams. If you have a dream and a true burning desire, it MUST start with a High-Profile domain name" ... 

Think deeply about this and do not delay. The facts are not secret.


ʜ.com for Hertz, Hilton, or Honda

International Domain Names, IDN, make great links. ICANN has never allowed the release of the single-character which uses the English H (as in HAPPY).

The Latin ʜ.com is not the English H, but it could be a good link for Honda or Heineken or Hilton.

Not all marketing must focus on lowest-level awareness.  Cleverness Builds Buzz! 

Latin ʜ.com is available at a reasonable price, and could be catalyst for a wonderful marketing campaign. This sales method might induce some to share link details & 'secret' background... but why not? Great!  Bonus address input is

Imagine Hertz or Hilton advertising: “We love Geeks – 30% discount if booking through ʜ.com ..."

For more ideas, see


Institutional Capture of ICANN

ICANN's Public Comment Summary Report is a classic example of Secretariat whitewash: writing up notes (or meeting minutes) to fit a desired scenario -- ignoring & belittling uncomfortable topics. Fortunately, an interested & dispassionate investigation could review the 57 submissions to the proposed .NET Registry Agreement to confirm how the purported summary is biased or negligent. Two topics I brought up are ignored.

One concern is too little VeriSign investment in promoting IDN (so-called International Domain Names) which might ease global accessibility and localization gaps.

But the more glaring deficiency is that the present system lacks true security and stability by wholly relying upon a single supplier: no effort is made to designate any alternative operators or reserve contractors. Realistic contingency planning by ICANN should have redundant back-up suppliers poised to potentially takeover the contract in the event of disaster [which, for example, could include non-technical but disqualifying moral lapses by VeriSign management, or exposure of some toxic dimension within their corporate culture]. Beyond any supposition, ICANN "invites the community to comment" - but manages to erase this clearly-stated shortcoming from their summary & comments.

Backup promotes security, stability, and safety; the no-bid monopoly given to VeriSign is difficult to justify. 

But it's as if we are peon living in a company town, in a banana republic, being ignored & abused by bosses. What recourse exists against the anti-competitive practices allowed & encouraged by ICANN? Class action lawsuit? Are there violations of antitrust laws? Could the California Attorney-General or European Union competition law help correct these issues?


Website & Email rely on Domains

Most people think of websites when discussing domains. But the more personal, important, and perhaps valuable dimensions are the accompanying email addresses.

Corporate communications are increasingly electronic. A poor web address may be largely ignored owing to links & display of corporate name. But the email stands alone.

A lousy second-tier email address using .pop or .xyz is blatantly unprofessional. Moreover, this is a personal link to each employee, so weakness & embarrassment are magnified repeatedly. It can be money well-spent paying a few tens of thousands of dollars to purchase the .com -- while available, if available at all.

Worst case is losing email to leakage, when customers send queries to the .com address you don't own. If you are lucky, the mail will bounce back to sender, but such mail is often lost into a catch-all or the spam mailbox of the .com domain owner.

Short powerful .com domains remain best.


"Nation-Neutral" .com

A major benefit of .com comes from "nation-neutral" positioning when compared to ccTLD such as .de or .jp or .se etc.

Some Korean people (for example) may feel anger or resistance with a Japan .jp address, but with no dislike for .com

Using .com for product sales can avoid local rivalries such as SE/FI or CN/JP or UK/FR etc. We might see Chinese characters from CN or HK or TW or JP or elsewhere which elicit different feelings depending on the suffix TLD. The .com also provides a more solid base for franchising.

IDN ("International Domain Names") use non-ASCII characters. It's crazily ethnocentric to claim all languages & character-sets except ASCII English are "international" - but that's for another post.

Many IDN can be recognized or read in nearby jurisdictions or amidst global diaspora. Some French or Italian words, IDN, have become standard English vocabulary thanks to global food trends (for example) or migration of culture. Family names need not be mangled.
ॐ.com  (Hindu letter / symbol OM)

Primitive internet required local texts be bastardized to ASCII addresses, but this is no longer true. In many cases the makes good sense and may become highly valuable. 


Regulatory Capture of ICANN

One of the worst dimensions of internet stability is apparent corruption at the top.

Regulatory capture by the current registry operators of .com and .net (Verisign) and .org (PIR & Ethos Capital)is unsurprising in that billions of dollars are involved without transparent public tenders and open-bid contract. Hugely valuable properties in the public domain are assigned in sweetheart deals.

A recent ICANN staff exercise gathered public comment on proposed .com price increases (and also assorted regressive strictures on domain name owners in favor of governments). It seems the Verisign registry has successfully coopted ICANN staff with a promise of US$20,000,000.

8998 comments were received, hugely against price increase to .com

Comments closed 14 Feb 2020. Here they are (8998 in total):

Did any of the proposed changes attract substantive supporting comments. I think not.

But the agreement is already formulated in principle. Public comment should have been solicited earlier. And our failure to rubber-stamp means nothing.

Ultimately, ICANN staff report to the ICANN Board of Directors, but in consultation with the Board, ICANN staff guide decisions.

"Presumptive renewal" is acting in restraint of trade.
I checked which so-called "independent" blog authors and domain authorities commented against the price hikes. Hungry for the billions of dollars at stake, some well-known names missed giving comments. Maybe they hope to cultivate favor with Verisign or ICANN staff. In other words, you don't see the names of the ass-lickers.

Costly NOT to BUY?

I own the domain name

We began Glowup in 1995 offering people assistance with their personal strategies. We charge fees as tutor / consultants. In 2003 we expanded to internet and online assistance. offers worldwide services:
  •       Life Strategies
  •       Achievement Tutoring
  •       Legacy & Estate planning services
We're a small business.
With an expanding range of requests to buy the domain name, we decided we'd sell and rebrand if the price were right. So we now announce at the bottom of our main webpage:

We're repeatedly asked to sell domain
Many firms trade on the GLOWUP name (count)
US$70,000 could buy on 2020-01-15
(if direct purchase; price open to change)
Financing available

Many firms trade in the same space, though in assorted industries and in various parts of the world.

If a major player buys the popular name, these many other Glowup firms have reason for concern. Heavy global marketing of Glowup as a new consumer good or service will surely interfere with their business. Sorry!

It is Costly NOT to BUY.

Kissing English Rump

The people of Asia have many reasons to be proud of their learning & civilization.

Chinese society especially has a long and glorious history. Japan and Korea are also great.

At the dawn of the world wide web, internet addresses were designed to use only English characters: abcd, numbers, dash - and period .

Many organizations worldwide built websites using anglicization of their names. Swedish organizations dropped ä ö å characters, France ignored the é while Denmark substituted for Ø.

But for many years now, it's been possible to use non-English characters, IDN International Domain Names.

It is also very easy to add such domain names as an alternative door to any website.

Why do Asian firms often continue using only abcde domains? The colonial mentality remains. Let's instead Be Proud of local languages.

Give the English speakers a backdoor to your website (maybe). But proudly use your local language. Build more on the many great Chinese, Japanese, Korean & other global language domains, and surely get .com for global access.

NO more kiss the English arse!

Fantastic domains include:


















Epik Payment Plans BOOST Domain Sales

I'm excited about the growth & ideas at Epik. How is it possible that payment plans (Lease-to-Buy / Rental Plans) have not been easily available everywhere? Payment plan mechanics involve software, payment systems, legal templates, etc., but the pioneering work done by Rob Monster and team is extraordinary.

With lease-to-buy, smaller businesses can gain access to high-value domains!

Surely it becomes easier to monetize / sell domains. Epik has opened a new & hugely exciting era of opportunity for small-scale domainers and IP brokers.

Here's an example of the interface to set payment plan.
Example is being sold BIN (Buy-it-Now) for US$20,000.
Or $800 each month for 25 months.
Minus Epik commission (paid by seller) at 9%

Understand Your Exposure w/ Domain Services

I extensively use assorted major domain services such as, Afternic, Uniregistry, and Sedo. They provide important sales services, often without up-front costs. You typically need pay them only when your product is sold. Their costs are not unreasonable, and their published services are dependable. I am happy with them generally.

There are a few problems however.

Some of these services deliberately keep buyer & seller apart, and maintain a measure of secrecy.

They promote fixed prices, Buy-it-Now (BIN), which can be difficult or impossible to edit quickly.

A possible big problem is that they have insider access to your unpublished data & information as well as that of others throughout the industry. And their employees (or the services themselves) can take advantage of their insider market position. Might they directly buy your under-priced domain?

This is most perverse when one or more newly-made big sales leaves your domain or portfolio suddenly under-priced. Others can act before you hear anything.

These markets are largely unregulated -- Watch out for yourself!

Single-character .com EMOJI = 29

Four single-character .com emoji dropped in January 2019, and after dropping they cannot be renewed. This is due to ICANN and IDNA2008, which "prohibits graphic symbols and similar devices that have code points but are not used as basic elements of any writing system."

Lost were: ☂.com umbrella emoji ✡.com Star of David emoji ☦.com Orthodox Cross emoji ♣.com Black Club Suit emoji

That leaves only 29 single-character .com emoji domains in the wild. They are grandfathered, and can be re-registered and transferred, but if they drop they follow their four cousins into oblivion. Those that are for sale seem very reasonably-priced considering their rarity and wide visual appeal beyond written language. ☑.com Ballot box with check ♻.com Black recycling symbol ✈.com Airplane ☺.com White smiling face ✌.com Victory hand ↗.com Northeast arrow ♠.com Black spade suit ⌚.com Watch ♀.com Female sign ▶.com Black right-pointing arrow ◼.com Black medium square ♂.com Male sign ♥.com Black heart suit ✔.com Heavy check mark ♦.com Black diamond suit ✖.com Heavy Multiplication X ♨.com Hot springs ☁.com Cloud ☃.com Snowman ♋.com Cancer ♌.com Leo ☪.com Star and crescent ♍.com Virgo ⌨.com Keyboard ❄.com Snowflake ☮.com Peace symbol ☯.com Yin Yang ✂.com Black scissors ☎.com Black telephone