ʜ.com for Hertz, Hilton, or Honda

International Domain Names, IDN, make great links. ICANN has never allowed the release of the single-character H.com which uses the English H (as in HAPPY).

The Latin ʜ.com is not the English H, but it could be a good link for Honda or Heineken or Hilton.

Not all marketing must focus on lowest-level awareness.  Cleverness Builds Buzz! 

Latin ʜ.com is available at a reasonable price, and could be catalyst for a wonderful marketing campaign. This sales method might induce some to share link details & 'secret' background... but why not? Great!  Bonus address input is xn--ppa.com

Imagine Hertz or Hilton advertising: “We love Geeks – 30% discount if booking through ʜ.com ..."

For more ideas, see single-character.com