Domain Sale Domains      字母.com       For Sale
Unique .com domains
For Sale
Hundreds of singles !
One character .com domains  (see below) 1字母com  /  一字母com
Languages include Chinese, Korean & Japanese  一文.com

Portable Digital Assets
Profit & Protect Your Wealth
Great Investment Diversification

·       Chinese & Japanese
·       Symbols
·       Assorted other languages
·       Korean

Only a few thousand written characters are used worldwide. The majority are Chinese, many of these same characters are used in Japanese, and most can become .com domains. Symbols and emoji also exist, although very few are allowed registration as .com domains. Only three (3) single-character ASCII domain names are allowed & operational as .com

Three single-character English-language .com exist:
Each was registered long ago and "grandfathered" - and now worth multi-million dollars.But hundreds of exist in other languages, and each can be used worldwide!Each of the International Domain Names (IDN) below can be both typed on a specialty keyboard (as used in the appropriate nation), or entered using "punycode" - an alternative input method for limited Western-language keyboards. Punycode always begins with these four characters: xn--

Single-character .com domain names are highly prestigious. Get yours now!
See our major portfolio here
Most individual domains for sale here are still priced under US$10,000 ---  Ask.

Single-character .com domains offer Global Brand Appeal

Detailed list from:

We happily work with brokers !

Single-character .com domains are extraordinarily rare & intensely attractive.
This is the only major single-character .com portfolio available anywhere.
一字母com is better than   字母com     三字母com     二字母com
    字母com is best !      一字母.com      字母.com

Great domains:  
  • investment
  • wealth protection
  • financial diversification
Unique investment portfolio also available.  Offers may change; open to prior sales; Buy NOW.
