Open more Windows!

This ain't a plea to buy Microsoft Windows 8.1 -- (which I'm just now getting accustomed to; some good new procedures, but disliking repeated attempts to force Microsoft products into my work, and angry to pay for so much surveillance not to my benefit).

Anyhow, this "Open more Windows" is an appeal to LEARN NEW WAYS

Some people still don't know it's possible to open multiple browser tabs simultaneously.

Some people still don't know they can pull traffic to their website with more than one address:

Unleash power - build your brand using MULTIPLE domains.
Build new avenues to transport more people to your business.
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Brand Games

As a domain investor, everyday I imagine how generic keywords can promote marketing. I also seek to develop new brands, and work in assorted languages. My main business is place branding: economic geography and destination marketing. I'm a teacher, investor, and participant.

It's a game. It's creative, and it's fun.

It's usually very profitable for clients. Many are slowly awakening to the realities of the "information superhighway" - during your lifetime, an irresistible internet has developed which offers huge riches. Many types of bricks-and-mortar businesses (shops and business locations) are obsolete. Change or die - which really means ADAPT to the new reality.

Perhaps the old corner bank building can be successfully re-purposed, or the empty offices of the travel agent and those other businesses. Maybe it's better to abandon your dying community and go where people are having fun & prospering.

Place Appeal is essential - choose well!